
CBS This Morning: Care for the Elderly

Caregiving for elderly Americans can be a huge expense in time and money for their loved ones. A new report shows 20 percent of all caregivers say they spend more than 40 hours a week providing that help. For many, that's about the equivalent of a full time job and close to eight in 10 pay for the costs out of their own pockets. I joined CBS This Morning to discuss why the burden of taking care of elderly loved ones tends to fall disproportionately on one family member and particularly women.

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Caregivers Need Care

Caregivers Need Care

Non-professional family caregivers shoulder a huge burden. According to research from the Transamerica Institute, many “are providing care at their own risk.” Across a diverse population, 55 percent of respondents “say that their own health is taking a back seat to the health of their care recipient,” while a whopping 69 percent gave “little or no consideration to their own financial situation when deciding to become a caregiver.” While the vast majority of caregivers (87 percent) are caring for a family member, the demographic breakdown of the group is changing: 53 percent are women and 47 percent are men, spread across a variety of age groups and income levels.