The college funding season begins in earnest on October 1, when the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid form for the academic year 2022-2023 will be available.
Jill on Money Radio Show: Your Money Questions Answered
It’s show #501, and here’s hoping we have at least another ten more years of Jill on Money on the horizon!
This week we’re back to doing what we do best, answering all your various money questions, which includes a bunch of emails and a caller.
It’s October, which means it’s officially FAFSA season, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid which determines how much students and their families will receive in college grants, scholarships and loans.
So in hour two we’re revisiting a chat with David Klein and Kelly Peeler from CommonBond, a company that positions itself as a place for simpler, smarter student loans for a brighter future.
CommonBond, founded in 2012, has funded over $2.5 billion in better student loans. Their approach is no big secret: lower rates, simpler options, and a world class experience, all built to support you throughout your student loan journey.
Kelly and David firmly believe that student loans should be for fulfilling your dreams, not emptying your bank account. They’re helping you get there by lowering the cost of school and simplifying the process with no more stressful applications or being treated like an account number.
Have a money question? Email me here.
"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,
Applying for College Aid Amid a Pandemic
Hide Assets in Annuity?
Okay, this may go down as the worst advice given in 2020! An emailer was told by his "advisor" that they should be "hiding" their assets inside an annuity so they'll be able to qualify for financial aid. Folks, sometimes you can't make it up.
Have a money question? Email me here.
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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,
Reassessing College Amid a Pandemic
As colleges and universities announce their plans for the upcoming semester, many families are worried about footing the bill for a significantly different experience. Is it worth it to shell out tens of thousands of dollars, or to go into debt, for virtual learning that may not fit the style of the student?
How to Manage Student Loan Debt
How do I tackle my student loans is probably one of the most common questions we receive on a weekly basis. Today's call from Lauren is no different, as the 27 year old wonders if there's a more efficient way for her to deal with more than 40k in loans.
Have a money question? Email me here.
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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,
Making College Work at Any Cost
The struggle to pay for college is one of the defining features of middle-class life in America today. At kitchen tables all across the country, parents agonize over whether to burden their children with loans or to sacrifice their own financial security by taking out a second mortgage or draining their retirement savings.
Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost, takes readers into the homes of middle-class families throughout the nation to reveal the hidden consequences of student debt and the ways that financing college has transformed family life.
Caitlin Zaloom gained the confidence of numerous parents and their college-age children, who talked candidly with her about stressful and intensely personal financial matters that are usually kept private.
Throughout the book, Zaloom describes the profound moral conflicts for parents as they try to honor what they see as their highest parental duty, providing their children with opportunity, and shows how parents and students alike are forced to take on enormous debts and gamble on an investment that might not pay off.
What emerges is a troubling portrait of an American middle class fettered by the “student finance complex,” the bewildering labyrinth of government-sponsored institutions, profit-seeking firms, and university offices that collect information on household earnings and assets, assess family needs, and decide who is eligible for aid and who is not.
Indebted breaks through the culture of silence surrounding the student debt crisis, revealing the unspoken costs of sending our kids to college.
Have a money question? Email me here.
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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,
CBS This Morning: FAFSA Season
Tuesday marks the first day you can apply for college financial aid for the next school year. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, determines grants, loans and work study money for more than 12 million students. I joined CBS This Morning to discuss why even those who don't think they will qualify for aid should still apply.
College Financing 2019
Impeachment! Brexit! Trade Talks! There’s a lot to take in, and no, you shouldn’t try to game out how any of these events will impact your investments, because these is no precedent for the conditions that exist. Instead of going back in time to recreate what could happen, your time would be better spent focusing on an area that is within your control: the college financing process.
Is Grad School Worth It?
Is grad school worth it? Given the amount of loans that are killing students, I often say no way! But it's not always the case, as you'll hear on the latest call with Trevor from Cleveland.
Have a money question? Email me here.
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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,