
Ep. 032 - How the Best Leaders Inspire People Every Day

What is life without inspiration? To me it sounds a bit boring. Of course inspiration can come from anywhere, but because we spend the bulk of our time in the workplace, it is a natural setting to seek it out. Conversely, if you're the boss, don't you want to be seen as somebody who inspires?

What is life without inspiration?  To me it sounds a bit boring. Of course inspiration can come from anywhere, but because we spend the bulk of our time in the workplace, it is a natural setting to seek it out. Conversely, if you’re the boss, don’t you want to be seen as somebody who inspires?

It’s easier said than done, but thanks to our guest this week, executive coach Kristi Hedges, there are everyday actions that any leader can take to be an inspiring and motivating force.

In her latest book, The Inspiration Code: How the Best Leaders Energize People Every Day, Kristi shows how to become a leader who builds commitment and fosters greatness in others.

Having spent years studying exactly what inspiring leaders do differently, Kristi likes to think of inspirational people as the four Ps:

  • PRESENT: investing their full attention and letting conversations flow
  • PERSONAL: speaking genuinely, listening generously, and acknowledging the potential of those around them
  • PASSIONATE: exhibiting sincere emotion and exuding energy attuned to the situation
  • PURPOSEFUL: helping others find meaning and see their place in the bigger picture

If you think your boss might be missing one of the Ps, maybe it’s time to pull him or her aside and have a friendly chat…

For more workplace and leadership tips, you can follow Kristi on Twitter.

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

#300 Listener Turned Finance Coach


Can you believe it's already December?  Christmas is just weeks away and before you know it we'll be talking about financial resolutions for the New Year.  Before that happens we've still got a few more shows left in 2016...and on this week's, it's a first: a listener-turned-guest!  More like listener-turned-personal finance coach.

  • Download the podcast on iTunes
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  • Download this week's show (MP3)

Before he was a guest, John Madison was a fan of the program.  Already a CPA, John was no stranger to the finance world, but for a variety of reasons, that line of work wasn't exactly doing it for him.  He wanted to do more.  With a little help from us, John realized his real passion was personal finance.  So what did he do?  He became a personal finance coach.

Over time John eventually started 60 Minute Finance in 2015.  The site is designed to educate and empower individuals and couples to make well-reasoned decisions regarding their personal finances, affording them increased opportunities for meeting their personal and wealth-building goals.  John is not selling anything.  His only goal is to educate motivated people to improve their financial condition and meet their goals while maintaining their personal values.

Give it a listen...who knows, you might become the next listener turned guest in 2017!

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer/Music Curator in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE