Plenty of solid calls this week on the Jill on Money show. We started with Molly in San Francisco who had some questions about 401(k) rollovers and stock options.
Next up was Scott from North Carolina with some interesting HSA questions. Scott clearly did his research before giving us a shout.
We finished up hour one with Sonia from California. Sonia's husband is preparing to return to the civilian world after a career in the military and she was wondering what their retirement game plan should be looking like at this stage.
It’s 2018 and that means that many of you have gotten on the resolution bandwagon. The most common ones are to exercise more/eat less; save more/spend less; and of course one of our favorites: SLEEP MORE!
Career objectives are among the most difficult to tackle. After all, if “Getting a New Job” were so easy, you probably would have done so already. Today’s guest in hour two is here to help kick-start your efforts.
Pat Hedley, the author of the recent book, Meet 100 People: A How-To Guide to the Career and Life Edge Everyone's Missing, says that whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, getting out there and meeting people is probably the biggest key to any success you’re going to have.
Of course you know this intuitively, but emails only go so far. To establish genuine relationships and to build a network with life-long value, we have to proactively meet people -- and do so IN PERSON. Pat explains three key issues that are critical to meeting people and expanding your network and she also covers:
- How to establish a network when you are starting out
- How to properly frame a job search
- The right questions to ask
- Why rejection isn’t a bad thing
If you -- or someone you know -- is unhappy at work and looking to make a change, maybe 2018 is the year.
Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.
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