fee only

Asset Allocation + Annuities and Three Questions You Should Ask

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This week we kicked things off with Robert from the Bay Area who wanted to chat about his asset allocation. In his early 60s, with a couple homes and 800k in retirement savings, Robert is now wondering if he's invested too aggressively. At this point in his life is it time to scale things back a bit? Such a great call. 

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In hour two, my old pal Gary Schatsky is in the house to talk about the industry, the state of fiduciary and one of the most oversold/misunderstood products, annuities. Gary is a practicing financial advisor who was way ahead of his time by championing comprehensive fee-only services for individuals, which at the time was almost unheard of.

As the founder of ObjectiveAdvice.com, Gary and his team share a simple, three-pronged professional philosophy approach:

  • TRUST - Whether you're saving for college or retirement, Gary and his team believe in confidence and peace of mind, and that trust is the bedrock of all client relationships.
  • COMPETENCE - Being able to utilize years of technical expertise, investment experience, and ongoing training to offer realistic financial solutions for all areas, such as investment, tax, estate, retirement and insurance planning.
  • OBJECTIVITY - In order to avoid conflicts of interest in product sales, Gary and his team refuse any commissions or other compensation from client transactions based on their recommendations.

Trust, competence, objectivity...that’s basically what this conversation was all about as we jumped into various topics including annuities and everything you need to know before purchasing one, FINRA, and the always popular topic of what it means to uphold the fiduciary standard.

Have a money question? Email me here.

Connect with me at these places for all my content:







"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.

#235 The Labor Day Show


As Serena Williams tries to make tennis history, tune into the Grand Slam of money shows! We started with Bob, who is 72 years old. Half of his $3 million nest egg is invested in rental real estate: Is that too much?

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Michael and his wife are in their late 40's with two teenage boys. Is their asset allocation appropriate or are they too heavily invested in equities? Michael also expressed frustration over finding a fee-only advisor.

Meanwhile, John is trying to decide between using a financial adviser or doing it himself and Felissa wanted to know whether her approach for her non-retirement funds should be similar to that of her retirement account.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week, especially Mark, the Best Producer in the World. Here's how to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 

#215 Retirement Planning Week


We celebrated the conclusion of National Retirement Planning Week with guest Anthony LoCascio, a fiduciary advisor with more than three decades of experience in retirement and tax planning. Anthony breaks down retirement for Boomers, Gen-Xers and Millennials.

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Speaking of the Millennials (those who are currently 18-34), did you know that they are the biggest generation in US history—even bigger than the Baby Boomers. According to Goldman Sachs, there are 92 million Millennials, compared to 77 million Boomers. And as it turns out, the generation has a firm grip on certain aspects of their financial lives. Check out this segment from CBS Evening News for more on the slackers-turned-savers.

We fielded great questions from Millennials Sam, Tim and Anon!

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 

#214 Are You Retirement Ready?


As we head into National Retirement Planning Week, guest James Nichols joins us to reveal the results of the Voya Financial "Retire Ready Index". The results emphasize that retirement savers need combine knowledge, planning and action to help reach their goals.

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Here are some of the online tools that James mentioned:

And check out this segment from CBS This Morning, where I discussed retirement planning.

Before James joined us, we fielded a retirement question from John (should he convert his 401 (k) into a Roth?); a beneficiary retirement query from Mike and Gary asked about REITs.

If you are toiling away at your taxes this weekend, here are some Last Minute Tax Filing Resources.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 

#213 Annuity Haters


Guest Gary Schatsky, a fee-only financial advisor, Chair Emeritus of NAPFA and Annuity Hater, joins the show to discuss why annuities are rarely advisable (Gary says just 5 percent of the time!) He also weighs in on the concept of fiduciary and explains why he believes that working with a fee-only advisor vastly reduces the potential for conflicts of interest.

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Kenny from NY read my recent post, "Spring Cleaning for your Money" and wanted to know how to reduce the taxable income generated from some of his mutual funds. One easy fix: use index funds in taxable accounts and keep managed funds in retirement accounts.

Meanwhile, Terry from MN is sitting pretty in her early retirement, but is not sure whether she should roll over her old 401 (k) into an IRA; and she also needs allocation tips. Poor Michael was unable to max out his retirement contributions and now is starting a fatter tax bill, while Steve asked about beneficiary IRA accounts and Wayne asked for advice about changing careers - from a pilot to a financial planner.

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Mark, the BEST producer in the world. If you have a financial question, there are lots of ways to contact us:

  • Call 855-411-JILL and we'll schedule time to get you on the show LIVE 

Obama Endorses Fiduciary Standard for Retirement Accounts


The White House wants to change the way brokers provide advice on retirement accounts. President Obama endorsed a Department of Labor proposal, which would require brokers to act in a customer’s best interest—the so-called FIDUCIARY duty—when working with retirement investors. The rule change is intended to crack down on “backdoor payments and hidden fees,” which cost retirement savers $8 - $17 billion a year, according to Jason Furman, chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. As you might expect, the financial services industry is not happy about the potential shift. The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association says "This proposal would lead to a number of negative consequences for individual investors."

I know what you're thinking: How could a rule that puts my interests first, be bad? Well, according to the SEC, the idea that the industry is plagued by conflicts of interest, "has nowhere been proven," and would effectively overhaul the entire regulatory regime, ignoring "eight decades of securities laws and regulations.  The real kicker, however, is that this is not a Commission rulemaking." This is a not-so-subtle shot at the Department of Labor, which in issuing this rule change, is stomping on SEC territory. Nothing like an inter-departmental catfight!

In fact, SEC Commissioner Daniel Gallagher thinks that it is "curious" that the DOL didn't consult with the SEC, especially given that the SEC maintains comprehensive oversight authority with respect to the investment advisers and broker-dealers who would be impacted by the change. Gallagher underscores that the DOL ignores SEC rules, which already address underlying conflicts of interest. But here's the nut of the problem, according to the SEC:  there is no evidence that the industry is plagued by conflicts of interest and the new rules could limit investor access to qualified investment advice and investment products.

The proposal will likely be put out for public comment for several months, so for those who need a refresher on investment professionals and their designations, here are some terms to consider:

Investment advisorIf the advisor is registered as an IA, he or she owes you a fiduciary duty, which is a fancy way of saying that she must put your needs first. Investment professionals who aren't fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard, called “suitability,” which means that anything they sell you has to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest.

CFP® certification: The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) requires candidates to meet what it calls “the four Es”: Education (Education (through one of several approved methods, must demonstrate the ability to create, deliver and monitor a comprehensive financial plan, covering investment, insurance, estate, retirement, education and ethics), Examination (a 10-hour exam given over a day and a half), Experience (three years of full-time, relevant personal financial planning experience required) and Ethics (disclosure of any criminal, civil, governmental, or self-regulatory agency proceeding or inquiry). CFPs must adhere to the fiduciary standard.

CPA Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): The American Institute of CPAs® offers a separate financial planning designation. In addition to already being a licensed CPA, a CPA/PFS candidate must earn a minimum of 75 hours of personal financial planning education and have two years of full-time business or teaching experience (or 3,000 hours equivalent) in personal financial planning, all within the five year period preceding the date of the PFS application. They must also pass an approved Personal Financial Planner exam.

Membership in the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA): NAPFA professionals must be RIAs and must also have either the CFP or CPA-PFS designation. Additionally, NAPFA advisers are fee-only, which means that they do not accept commissions or any additional fees from outside sources for the recommendations they make. In addition to being fee-only, NAPFA advisers must provide information on their background, experience, education and credentials, and are required to submit a financial plan to a peer review. After acceptance into NAPFA, members must fulfill continuing education requirements.

If you are interested in finding a financial advisor, here are some resources:

Protect Against Scams: 10 Questions to Ask Financial Advisors


SCAM ALERT! The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have both issued annual reports identifying the top threats investors are likely to face in 2015. The lists are lengthy, but a couple of new, noteworthy threats you should guard against include:  Pot Schemes: Legalization of marijuana has encouraged promoters to market and sell investments in this emerging and fast-growing industry, and securities regulators are seeing “pump and dump” scams. "Fraudsters lure investors with aggressive, optimistic, and potentially false or misleading information designed to create unwarranted demand for shares of a small, thinly traded company with little or no history of financial success (the “pump”). Once share prices and volumes peak, scammers behind the ploy sell their shares at a profit, leaving investors with worthless stock (the “dump”)." One more note: Even legitimate companies promoting a new venture in a new field are highly speculative and carry a high degree of risk for investors. 

BitCoin Bites: Another area of concern is for securities offerings tied to digital currencies, where unscrupulous promoters are often illegally offering securities tied to these currencies.

Some of the old problems for investors remain in 2015. Here are just some of the issues that are on FINRA's radar screen:

Customer Comes Last: FINRA says that too many firms and their representatives are not putting customers’ interests first.

Variable Annuity Ambiguity: Regulators are focusing on sales practice issues associated with variable annuities, because many consumers purchase these contracts without fully understanding the steep fees involved.

Senior Investors: The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging estimates that older Americans lose $2.9 billion to fraud each year. In fact, there is so much targeting of older Americans, that the Committee launched a special fraud hotline to help deal with the "epidemic" and has held a series of investigations to spotlight the devastating impact fraud has on seniors.

Separately, FINRA examiners continue to review communications with seniors; the suitability of investment recommendations made to seniors; and the techniques used to attract senior investors. Additionally, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provides resources for families trying to ward off the senior scammers.

If all of these frauds has you spooked, GOOD! That means that you are ready to start asking the right questions of financial professionals. Once again, here are my favorite ten questions to ask any potential financial advisor, stock broker or insurance salesperson before you retain them:

1) Are you registered as an investment advisor? If yes, then the advisor owes you a fiduciary duty, which is a fancy way of saying that she must put your needs first. Investment professionals who aren't fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard, called “suitability,” which means that anything they sell you has to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest.

2) How will I pay for your services? The advisor should clearly state in writing how she will be paid for the services provided. The three basic methods of payment are: fees based on an hourly or flat rate; fees based on a percentage of your portfolio value, often called "Assets Under Management" ("AUM"); and commissions paid per transaction. How often you expect to trade, and whether you want your money pro-actively managed, will help determine which model works best for you.

3) What experience do you have? Find out how long the advisor has been in practice and where. Also ask if she has any professional certifications, licenses or designations. While these are signals of credibility, they don't guarantee a successful relationship. Here’s a description of some of the more common financial planner designations:

  • CFP® certification: The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) requires candidates to meet what it calls “the four Es”: Education (Education (through one of several approved methods, must demonstrate the ability to create, deliver and monitor a comprehensive financial plan, covering investment, insurance, estate, retirement, education and ethics), Examination (a 10-hour exam given over a day and a half; most recent exam pass rate was 62.6 percent), Experience (three years of full-time, relevant personal financial planning experience required) and Ethics (disclosure of any criminal, civil, governmental, or self-regulatory agency proceeding or inquiry). CFPs must adhere to the fiduciary standard.
  • CPA Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): The American Institute of CPAs® offers a separate financial planning designation. In addition to already being a licensed CPA, a CPA/PFS candidate must earn a minimum of 75 hours of personal financial planning education and have two years of full-time business or teaching experience (or 3,000 hours equivalent) in personal financial planning, all within the five year period preceding the date of the PFS application. They must also pass an approved Personal Financial Planner exam.
  • Membership in the Membership in the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA): NAPFA maintains a high bar for entry: Professionals must be RIAs and must also have either the CFP or CPA-PFS designation. Additionally, NAPFA advisers are fee-only, which means that they do not accept commissions or any additional fees from outside sources for the recommendations they make. In addition to being fee-only, NAPFA advisers must provide information on their background, experience, education and credentials, and are required to submit a financial plan to a peer review. After acceptance into NAPFA, members must fulfill continuing education requirements. The stiff requirements make NAPFA members among the tiniest percentage of registered investment advisers, with only 2,400 total current members.

4) What services do you offer? The services offered can depend on a number of factors including credentials, licenses and areas of expertise. Some offer advice on a range of topics, but do not sell financial products. Others may provide advice only in specific areas such as estate planning or tax matters.

5) What is your approach to financial planning and investing? Some advisors prefer to develop a holistic plan that brings together all of your financial goals. Others provide advice on specific areas, as needed. Make sure the advisor’s viewpoint on investing is neither too cautious nor overly aggressive for your risk tolerance. Also ask whether the planner makes investment decisions herself, or depends on others in the firm to do so. What was the advisor's performance in both good and bad markets and ask yourself whether it’s more important to you to make money in a rising market or prevent losses in a down market. A great follow up question: what were the three worst investment decisions you made over the past five years, and how did you correct them?

6) Can you provide three references? Ask for two current clients whose goals and finances match your own, as well as a professional reference, like an accountant or estate attorney.

7) Do you have a financial interest in the entity that houses my account? This is your Madoff-prevention question. When interviewing advisors not associated with large brokerage or insurance companies, ask if they use an independent, third party custodian or clearing firm (this is the entity that produces your statements), which prevents the advisor from having direct custody of your assets and adds another level of security for your account. In the Madoff example, he was the investment advisor, broker-dealer, clearing agent and custodian for all of his client accounts.

8) Is there anything in your regulatory record that I should know about? Part of your research should include conducting background checks on the professional you may hire. You can visit the Securities & Exchange Commission and FINRA websites or the State Securities website NASAA as well as the CFP Board. While some violations are non-starters (settlement of multiple customer complaints) others may be understandable (marketing materials not pre-approved; non-client or investment violations).

9) How often will we interact? What should you expect in terms of frequency of verbal, written and in-person communication? Also ask whether the advisor will remain your primary contact.

10) Do I like this person? You are about to enter into an intimate relationship that will hopefully last a long time. If you have any reservations, move on. There are plenty of qualified advisors out there, who would like to help you out.

Don't Get Madoff-ed: 10 Questions to ask Financial Advisors


Five years ago, Bernard Madoff turned himself into federal authorities and admitted to conducting a massive Ponzi scheme. Investors lost approximately $17.5 billion, of which $9.5 billion has been recovered and $4.8 billion has been distributed. When all is said and done, total losses are expected to be about $5.5 billion. The anniversary of the Madoff scandal is an excellent reminder that investors must be vigilant when choosing to work with an investment advisor. The Financial Planning Association provides an easy-to-use tool to help you select the right kind of professional for you. When you are ready to talk, here are the ten questions to ask  potential financial advisors, stock brokers or insurance salesmen before you retain them:

1) Are you registered as an investment advisor? If yes, then the advisor owes you a fiduciary duty, which is a fancy way of saying that she must put your needs first. Investment professionals who aren't fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard, called “suitability,” which means that anything they sell you has to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest.

2) How will I pay for your services? The advisor should clearly state in writing how she will be paid for the services provided. The three basic methods of payment are: fees based on an hourly or flat rate; fees based on a percentage of your portfolio value, often called "Assets Under Management" ("AUM"); and commissions paid per transaction. How often you expect to trade, and whether you want your money pro-actively managed, will help determine which model works best for you.

3) What experience do you have? Find out how long the advisor has been in practice and where. Also ask if she has any professional certifications, licenses or designations. While these are signals of credibility, they don't guarantee a successful relationship. Here’s a description of some of the more common financial planner designations:

  • CFP® certification: The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) requires candidates to meet what it calls “the four Es”: Education (Education (through one of several approved methods, must demonstrate the ability to create, deliver and monitor a comprehensive financial plan, covering investment, insurance, estate, retirement, education and ethics), Examination (a 10-hour exam given over a day and a half; most recent exam pass rate was 62.6 percent), Experience (three years of full-time, relevant personal financial planning experience required) and Ethics (disclosure of any criminal, civil, governmental, or self-regulatory agency proceeding or inquiry). CFPs must adhere to the fiduciary standard.
  • CPA Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): The American Institute of CPAs® offers a separate financial planning designation. In addition to already being a licensed CPA, a CPA/PFS candidate must earn a minimum of 75 hours of personal financial planning education and have two years of full-time business or teaching experience (or 3,000 hours equivalent) in personal financial planning, all within the five year period preceding the date of the PFS application. They must also pass an approved Personal Financial Planner exam.
  • Membership in the Membership in the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA): NAPFA professionals must be RIAs and must also have either the CFP or CPA-PFS designation. Additionally, NAPFA advisers are fee-only, which means that they do not accept commissions or any additional fees from outside sources for the recommendations they make. In addition to being fee-only, NAPFA advisers must provide information on their background, experience, education and credentials, and are required to submit a financial plan to a peer review. After acceptance into NAPFA, members must fulfill continuing education requirements. The stiff requirements make NAPFA members among the tiniest percentage of registered investment advisers, with only 2,400 total current members.

4) What services do you offer? The services offered can depend on a number of factors including credentials, licenses and areas of expertise. Some offer advice on a range of topics, but do not sell financial products. Others may provide advice only in specific areas such as estate planning or tax matters.

5) What is your approach to financial planning and investing? Some advisors prefer to develop a holistic plan that brings together all of your financial goals. Others provide advice on specific areas, as needed. Make sure the advisor’s viewpoint on investing is neither too cautious nor overly aggressive for your risk tolerance. Also ask whether the planner makes investment decisions herself, or depends on others in the firm to do so. What was the advisor's performance in both good and bad markets and ask yourself whether it’s more important to you to make money in a rising market or prevent losses in a down market. A great follow up question: what were the three worst investment decisions you made over the past five years, and how did you correct them?

6) Can you provide three references? Ask for two current clients whose goals and finances match your own, as well as a professional reference, like an accountant or estate attorney.

7) Do you have a financial interest in the entity that houses my account? This is your Madoff-prevention question. When interviewing advisors not associated with large brokerage or insurance companies, ask if they use an independent, third party custodian or clearing firm (this is the entity that produces your statements), which prevents the advisor from having direct custody of your assets and adds another level of security for your account. In the Madoff example, he was the investment advisor, broker-dealer, clearing agent and custodian for all of his client accounts.

8) Is there anything in your regulatory record that I should know about? Part of your research should include conducting background checks on the professional you may hire. You can visit the Securities & Exchange Commission and FINRA websites or the State Securities website NASAA as well as the CFP Board. While some violations are non-starters (settlement of multiple customer complaints) others may be understandable (marketing materials not pre-approved; non-client or investment violations).

9) How often will we interact? What should you expect in terms of frequency of verbal, written and in-person communication? Also ask whether the advisor will remain your primary contact.

10) Do I like this person? You are about to enter into an intimate relationship that will hopefully last a long time. If you have any reservations, move on. There are plenty of qualified advisors out there, who would like to help you out.

How to choose a Financial Advisor: 10 Questions to ask


Lost in all of the political drama surrounding the government shutdown and the debt ceiling is the fact that we are in the middle of Financial Planning Week! Ironic as it may be that the lawmakers are fighting about the nation’s financial future, maybe this is a perfect time to hit the pause button and take control of your own financial life. For the do-it-yourselfers out there, now may be a good time to review how you are doing, compared to the plan that you laid out at the beginning of the year. For those who work with financial advisors or brokers, schedule an appointment, before you get swept up in the holiday season.

For those who need guidance but are daunted by the head-scratching journey of selecting a professional, here are the ten questions to ask any potential financial advisor, stock broker or insurance salesperson before you retain them:

1) Are you registered as an investment advisor? If yes, then the advisor owes you a fiduciary duty, which is a fancy way of saying that she must put your needs first. Investment professionals who aren't fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard, called “suitability,” which means that anything they sell you has to be appropriate for you, though not necessarily in your best interest.

2) How will I pay for your services? The advisor should clearly state in writing how she will be paid for the services provided. The three basic methods of payment are: fees based on an hourly or flat rate; fees based on a percentage of your portfolio value, often called "Assets Under Management" ("AUM"); and commissions paid per transaction. How often you expect to trade, and whether you want your money pro-actively managed, will help determine which model works best for you.

3) What experience do you have? Find out how long the advisor has been in practice and where. Also ask if she has any professional certifications, licenses or designations. While these are signals of credibility, they don't guarantee a successful relationship. Here’s a description of some of the more common financial planner designations:

  • CFP® certification: The Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board) requires candidates to meet what it calls “the four Es”: Education (Education (through one of several approved methods, must demonstrate the ability to create, deliver and monitor a comprehensive financial plan, covering investment, insurance, estate, retirement, education and ethics), Examination (a 10-hour exam given over a day and a half; most recent exam pass rate was 62.6 percent), Experience (three years of full-time, relevant personal financial planning experience required) and Ethics (disclosure of any criminal, civil, governmental, or self-regulatory agency proceeding or inquiry). CFPs must adhere to the fiduciary standard.
  • CPA Personal Financial Specialist (PFS): The American Institute of CPAs® offers a separate financial planning designation. In addition to already being a licensed CPA, a CPA/PFS candidate must earn a minimum of 75 hours of personal financial planning education and have two years of full-time business or teaching experience (or 3,000 hours equivalent) in personal financial planning, all within the five year period preceding the date of the PFS application. They must also pass an approved Personal Financial Planner exam.
  • Membership in the Membership in the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA): NAPFA maintains a high bar for entry: Professionals must be RIAs and must also have either the CFP or CPA-PFS designation. Additionally, NAPFA advisers are fee-only, which means that they do not accept commissions or any additional fees from outside sources for the recommendations they make. In addition to being fee-only, NAPFA advisers must provide information on their background, experience, education and credentials, and are required to submit a financial plan to a peer review. After acceptance into NAPFA, members must fulfill continuing education requirements. The stiff requirements make NAPFA members among the tiniest percentage of registered investment advisers, with only 2,400 total current members.

4) What services do you offer? The services offered can depend on a number of factors including credentials, licenses and areas of expertise. Some offer advice on a range of topics, but do not sell financial products. Others may provide advice only in specific areas such as estate planning or tax matters.

5) What is your approach to financial planning and investing? Some advisors prefer to develop a holistic plan that brings together all of your financial goals. Others provide advice on specific areas, as needed. Make sure the advisor’s viewpoint on investing is neither too cautious nor overly aggressive for your risk tolerance. Also ask whether the planner makes investment decisions herself, or depends on others in the firm to do so. What was the advisor's performance in both good and bad markets and ask yourself whether it’s more important to you to make money in a rising market or prevent losses in a down market. A great follow up question: what were the three worst investment decisions you made over the past five years, and how did you correct them?

6) Can you provide three references? Ask for two current clients whose goals and finances match your own, as well as a professional reference, like an accountant or estate attorney.

7) Do you have a financial interest in the entity that houses my account? This is your Madoff-prevention question. When interviewing advisors not associated with large brokerage or insurance companies, ask if they use an independent, third party custodian or clearing firm (this is the entity that produces your statements), which prevents the advisor from having direct custody of your assets and adds another level of security for your account. In the Madoff example, he was the investment advisor, broker-dealer, clearing agent and custodian for all of his client accounts.

8) Is there anything in your regulatory record that I should know about? Part of your research should include conducting background checks on the professional you may hire. You can visit the Securities & Exchange Commission and FINRA websites or the State Securities website NASAA as well as the CFP Board. While some violations are non-starters (settlement of multiple customer complaints) others may be understandable (marketing materials not pre-approved; non-client or investment violations).

9) How often will we interact? What should you expect in terms of frequency of verbal, written and in-person communication? Also ask whether the advisor will remain your primary contact.

10) Do I like this person? You are about to enter into an intimate relationship that will hopefully last a long time. If you have any reservations, move on. There are plenty of qualified advisors out there, who would like to help you out.