Los Angeles

Better Off BONUS call 027 - Asset Allocation

This week on the BONUS call we've got Ari from New York City. Ari, a physician, has been accumulating assets for several years and recently realized that the bulk of his money is in stocks. Now Ari is thinking his portfolio should be more balanced but he's worried about the tax hit if he starts moving things around.

This week on the BONUS call we’ve got Ari from New York City. Ari, a physician, has been accumulating assets for several years and recently realized that the bulk of his money is in stocks. Now Ari is thinking his portfolio should be more balanced but he’s worried about the tax hit if he starts moving things around.

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.

Better Off BONUS call 026 - Student Loans

This week on the BONUS call it's yet again the all too familiar question about heavy, heavy student loan debt. This time it was Alida in Florida looking for some advice as to how she and her husband can attack roughly 200k in loans.

This week on the BONUS call it’s yet again the all too familiar question about heavy, heavy student loan debt. This time it was Alida in Florida looking for some advice as to how she and her husband can attack roughly 200k in loans. Even though that is a serious amount of debt, I have a pretty good feeling about these guys.

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

We love feedback so please subscribe and leave us a rating or review in iTunes!

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"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.

Better Off BONUS call 025 - Asset Allocation

Last week on the BONUS call the question was about when to start diversifying. This week Ashley from Florida is asking if there's such a thing as being too diversified? With a few different retirement accounts in the works, does she need all of them? Or does less really equal more in this scenario?

Last week on the BONUS call the question was about when to start diversifying. This week Ashley from Florida is asking if there’s such a thing as being too diversified? With a few different retirement accounts in the works, does she need all of them? Or does less really equal more in this scenario?

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

We love feedback so please subscribe and leave us a rating or review in iTunes!

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"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.

Better Off BONUS call 024 - Asset Allocation

This week on the BONUS call we're talking asset allocation with David from Virginia. For years David has been saving and not really paying attention to his various accounts. Now that he's a little older, he recently checked in on them and was pleasantly surprised to see how much his accounts have grown.

This week on the BONUS call we’re talking asset allocation with David from Virginia. For years David has been saving and not really paying attention to his various accounts. Now that he’s a little older, he recently checked in on them and was pleasantly surprised to see how much his accounts have grown. Up until now everything David has saved has been 100% invested in stocks. Now that he’s in his 30s is it time to start diversifying?

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

We love feedback so please subscribe and leave us a rating or review in iTunes!

Connect with me at these places for all my content:








"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.

Better Off BONUS call 023 - Real Estate

This week on the BONUS call we're talking to Brian from Los Angeles. Brian and his wife have lived overseas for a while and in the process built up a nest egg of about 600k. Now back in the States they have to find a house and are wondering how to do it without blowing through all the money they've accumulated.

This week on the BONUS call we’re talking to Brian from Los Angeles. Brian and his wife have lived overseas for a while and in the process built up a nest egg of about 600k. Now back in the States they have to find a house and are wondering how to do it without blowing through all the money they’ve accumulated.

“Better Off” is sponsored by Betterment.

Have a finance related question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

We love feedback so please subscribe and leave us a rating or review in iTunes!

Connect with me at these places for all my content:








"Better Off" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.