Jill on Money Radio Show: Roth or Pre-Tax, Which Is Better?

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Just like last week, no guest in hour two this week. A few segments of calls and a few segments of answering emails. The old school approach continues for at least another week :) Reminds me of when we started this little adventure back in 2011!

First up is Jason from DC who’s wondering if he can afford to make a career change, as well as mix in a bit of international travel, all during a pandemic.

Then we chatted with Tony from Buffalo who had a few mortgage/real estate related questions as he and his wife plan out their future dream home.

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Nothing like helping settle a friendly, sisterly debate about who’s right when it comes to using a Roth IRA. One sister says yes, Roth all the way! The other says not so fast, I think pre-tax is the way to go. Is there a winner?

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.