Roth conversion

Roth Conversion Before End of Year?

With the clock ticking, should we try and do a Roth conversion before 2021 comes to a close?

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

How To Take Advantage of Lower Income

Due to COVID, your income took a pretty good whack in 2021. Are there any tax advantaged moves worth considering?

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Roth vs Traditional and Financing a Renovation

After helping your parents figure out their finances, it's time to focus on yourself. Should you be making your 401(k) contributions pre-tax or Roth? And what's the best way to finance an upcoming renovation project? 

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

Convert Rollover IRA to Roth?

Five years ago the rollover IRA was worth $55,000, now it's worth $125,000, should we still consider converting to a Roth?

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

Please leave us a rating or review in Apple Podcasts.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Should I Convert From Traditional to Roth?

Easily the most common topic we discuss on this show is somehow Roth related. Here's the latest example.

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

What to Do With Old Retirement Plan?

You usually have a few options to choose from when you're trying to figure out what to do with an old retirement plan. Move it? Leave as is? Rollover into the new plan?

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

How to Finance a Renovation

When it comes to financing a remodeling project, I'm all for using the most efficient strategy possible. A remodel is stressful enough, so let's not add to it :)

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Jill on Money Radio Show: Can My Wife Retire Early?

Quite the call in hour one this week as we chat with Brian from New York whose wife wants to call it quits at 40. Brian is not on board with this idea, hence the call to Aunt Jill, who’s more than happy to play the role of chief mediator.

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We pile on “to-dos” but don’t consider “stop-doings”. We create incentives for good behavior, but don’t get rid of obstacles to it. We collect new-and-improved ideas, but don’t prune the outdated ones. Every day, across challenges big and small, we neglect a basic way to make things better: We don’t subtract.

Leidy Klotz, our guest this weekend and author of the recently released book, Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less, has plenty of research that shows why. 

Whether we’re building Lego models or cities, grilled-cheese sandwiches or strategic plans, our minds tend to add before taking away. Even when we do think of it, subtraction can be harder to pull off because an array of biological, cultural, and economic forces push us toward more. 

But we have a choice, our blind spot need not go on taking its toll on our cities, our institutions, and our minds. By diagnosing our neglect of subtraction, we can treat it.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Boring Is Beautiful

I feel like I'm doing everything I possibly can to prepare for retirement, yet other people seem to be doing better. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

Please leave us a rating or review in Apple Podcasts.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,

Roth Conversion Strategy

You've been doing some Roth conversions in retirement but you aren't sure if it's a strategy you should keep utilizing in future years.

Have a money question? Email us, ask jill [at] jill on money dot com.

Please leave us a rating or review in Apple Podcasts.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,