
CBS Sunday Morning: Income Inequality

Two-thirds of the nation's wealth is owned by the richest five percent of Americans, while at the same time more than 38 million Americans live in poverty. T...

Two-thirds of the nation's wealth is owned by the richest five percent of Americans, while at the same time more than 38 million Americans live in poverty. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer has been the story of economic inequality for the last 50 years, and COVID-19 appears set to continue the trend. I joined CBS Sunday Morning with a look at the downside, and what one business figure calls the upside, of income disparity.

Financial Thanksgiving

Financial Thanksgiving

Genworth Financial released its long-term care Cost of Care Survey for 2013 and the results are sobering. The cost of home care providers, adult day health care facilities, assisted living facilities and nursing homes has been steadily rising over the past 5 years.