Health Insurance

Health Insurance: Dizzying Choices


Just in time for the upcoming benefit enrollment period, the Kaiser Family Foundation is out with its annual survey of employer health plans, which cover over half of the non-elderly population, or 147 million people. Costs are up a seemingly small 4 percent in 2015 from a year ago, but that is still twice the pace of inflation and more than the average wage gains for most families. A family plan now costs $17,545, of which workers pay $4,955. That’s up by 83 percent over the past decade and by 24 percent since 2010. Deductibles are also higher—on average now $1,077 per individual, up 67 percent from just five years ago and 255 percent over the past decade!

With more of the burden shifting to consumers, it is imperative that you take control of your health care decisions. Start by choosing the right plan for you. Know what each plan covers, how much it costs (premiums plus out of pocket costs for deductibles, coinsurance and co-pays) and whether your doctors are in the network.

The most widely used plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). In an HMO, you select a primary care physician, who directs your health care decisions and makes any necessary referrals. In most cases, the plan will not cover care outside of the network. A PPO provides more flexibility, because you can see any health care professional without a referral, either inside or outside of your network. The enhanced choice comes with a heftier price tag.

Many large employers are offering high-deductible health plans (HDHP), which offer lower premiums. These plans are usually paired with Health Savings Accounts (HSA), which allow you to set aside pre-tax money to pay for unreimbursed costs. If you're generally healthy and want to save for future health care expenses, this may be an attractive choice. But if you think you might need expensive medical care in the next year and would find it hard to meet a high deductible, it might not be your best option.

You should also consider using Uncle Sam to help you pay for health care costs, by taking advantage of flexible spending care accounts. FSAs allow you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for unreimbursed medical expenses or dependent care up to $2,500. You can carryover up to $500 of unused balances to the following year.

Although most health care providers are mindful about limiting patient costs, it doesn’t hurt to ask whether a generic/cheaper version of a prescription drug exists and whether the test/procedure/prescription is really necessary. And of course, it is important to check every medical bill for coding errors.

I should also mention Medicare Open Enrollment begins October 15 and runs through December 7. This is the only opportunity for people currently on Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans to switch to a new plan for the following year.

While most medigap supplement policies can be switched throughout the year, financial planner Greg Hammer notes, “your initial enrollment is the one opportunity to enroll on a guaranteed basis. If you want to enroll into a traditional medigap policy later, in the year, you will be subject to medical questions and your medical history could prevent you from qualifying for the traditional plan.”

And just like employees who need to read the fine print, so to do retirees who are selecting prescription drug plans. Hammer advises, “Your decision should not be driven by premium alone. Because of the differences in formularies and Tier Coverage, you need to look at your out of pocket cost. A lower premium doesn't always result in the lowest out of pocket cost.” He recommends that before making the decision, participants should use, where you can enter your prescriptions and zip code, and the site will guide to the best program for your needs.

ACA Open Enrollment, Part Deux


On November 15 (and through February 15, 2015), the second open-enrollment period will begin for individual health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Despite a dreadful rollout, during the first Open Enrollment period, 8 million individuals signed up for non-group coverage through federal and state Marketplaces. If you didn’t sign up for coverage in the first go-round, you will be able to enroll for 2015 at HealthCare.Gov, which has been revamped for the new season. Note: If you want coverage starting January 1, you must enroll by December 15. If you signed up last year, use this time to renew or change policies and to ensure your current plan is still the best choice for you, especially if you are one of the approximately 85 percent of Marketplace enrollees who is receiving premium tax credits to make coverage more affordable. (Remember that you claim the credit by filing a federal income tax return.)

While it may seem easy to renew coverage without updating, unless you update your income data, you won't have accurate information about how much you are eligible for in tax credits and what your out-of-pocket premium contribution for a plan actually is. Additionally, if your income has increased, you may no longer be entitled to the credit, a fact that you don’t want to discover when you file taxes and have the nasty surprise of owning the government money!

Even if your personal circumstances have not changed, the cost of your plan may rise next year. PriceWaterhouseCooper’s Healthcare Institute found that on average, premiums for individual insurance plans are expected to increase by 6 percent in 2015, though actual changes and premium prices vary significantly across states.

Your cost of healthcare is not just measured in premiums, but in out of pocket expenses like deductibles, co-pays and coinsurance. All Marketplace plans are required to set a cap on total out of pocket spending for in-network services in a year. The maximum out of pocket cap for 2015 will increase to $6,600 for an individual ($13,200 for a family policy), compared to $6,350/$12,700 in 2014.

Another change for 2015 is the penalty for not having health care coverage. The fee is the higher of: two percent of your income or $325 per adult/$162.50 per child, with a maximum penalty per family of $975. You’ll pay the fee on the federal income tax return you file for the year you don’t have coverage. If you don't pay the fee, the IRS will hold back the amount of the fee from any future tax refunds, but there are no liens, levies, or criminal penalties for failing to pay it.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, you may be exempt from the requirement to maintain qualified healthcare coverage if you:

  • Can not afford coverage (defined as those who would pay more than 8 percent of their household income for the lowest cost bronze plan available through the Marketplace)
  • Are not a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national, or a resident alien lawfully present in the U.S.
  • Had a gap in coverage for less than 3 consecutive months during the year
  • Will not file a tax return because your income is below the tax filing threshold (In 2014 the tax filing thresholds are $10,150 for individuals and $20,300 for married filing jointly)
  • Are unable to qualify for Medicaid because your state has chosen not to expand
  • Participate in a health care sharing ministry or are a member of a recognized religious sect with objections to health insurance
  • Are a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe
  • Are incarcerated

Kaiser also notes some exemptions must be obtained by applying directly to the Marketplace and those who may be eligible for exemptions and who have not yet applied for one can still do so before the end of the year. Some exemptions can be claimed on the income tax return with IRS Form 8965, though the exemption for people who don’t earn enough to file taxes is automatic.

Finally, if you need help, you can call the health insurance marketplace for assistance, at 1-800-318-2596, where one of 14,000 customer service representatives (an increase of 1,000 from last year), can answer questions.