Jill on Money Radio Show: Should I Ditch My Whole Life Policy?

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Happy middle of April! Before you know it we’ll be celebrating Memorial Day :)

This week we have a couple calls in hour one as well as a handful of emails.

The first call is a conversation about company stock and just how much is too much to be keeping in your portfolio.

The second call is about a whole life policy and whether or not the caller, a single guy in his 30s, should keep or ditch it.

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In hour two, no time like the present to start thinking about that side hustle you've always dreamed about. If a global pandemic doesn't get you motivated, I'm not sure what will.

Do you have to be an “entrepreneur,” replete with a big, fat business plan in hand, to make a little extra cash on the side?

What if I told you that in 27 days you can come up with an idea, implement it, and potentially start making some extra income on the side?

That is what you call a side hustle, which also happens to be the title of a book from Chris Guillebeau, who's nice enough to join us this weekend.

While the thought of quitting your day job to pursue a business of your own may be intoxicating and even escapist, it may also be a bit unrealistic. Most of us can’t just up and quit a job that delivers a regular paycheck and benefits, to boot.

But what if you could quickly and easily create an additional stream of income without giving up the security of a full-time job? Enter Chris and the side hustle.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.