Jill on Money Radio Show: Are We on Track at the Ripe Old Age of 30?

Happy weekend before Christmas!

Here’s a first for us. Even though we did our regular two hour show this week, we’re only able to post the first hour online. We can’t include the guest in hour two. Don’t ask…

First up this weekend is Dawn from Maryland, who after getting her son through college without any debt, now wants to plan for her own retirement.

The second call in hour one is from Emily who wants to make sure she’s doing everything possible to ensure a solid financial future.

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Just an FYI, starting in 2022 we’re rolling out a new website. Because it’s a totally different layout, we probably won’t be doing these summaries for the radio show. It’ll likely just be the title.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.