Jill on Money Radio Show: Am I on Track for Early Retirement?

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This week it’s a throw back of sorts, back to when we used to take a bunch of callers every week. So no guest this week, instead we’re giving you a few calls and a slew of emails.

The first call was from Anthony in Arkansas who’s wondering if he’s actually saving too much for retirement. Is there such a thing?

Next was Kelly in North Carolina, also with a retirement question. Only in his 20s, Kelly is looking to do everything he can now to ensure that he has plenty of options down the road.

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We started hour two with Joan who was wondering if there’s a best way to handle RMDs. Turns out we also learned that Joan is using way too many funds in her retirement accounts.

As I always like to say, when it comes to investing, less is usually more.

Have a money question? Email me here.

"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman, www.joelgoodman.com.