In the post-fact, deeply divided world we live in, true persuasion is rare. Engaging with people holding differing opinions is rarer still. But for progress to take place, persuasion must happen.
Whether it's convincing an employer you are right for the job, a customer that your product is the best, or your closed-minded uncle that good people can disagree, it takes the art, and science, of persuasion to move forward.
So, how do you change someone's mind, or at least advance the conversation, when everyone is entrenched in their own points of view?
Our latest guest, communication expert Lee Hartley Carter, has spent nearly twenty years advising and helping the world's most well-known companies do just that.
Her first book, Persuasion: Convincing Others When Facts Don't Seem to Matter, covers all the secrets to persuading anyone, at work and in life.
Filled with researched insights into how we make up, and change, our minds, as well as colorful real-world examples and actionable recommendations, Persuasion will help you hone your message and craft your narrative in order to get heard and get results.
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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,