Financial Literacy + Rent vs Buy and Pensions

We started the show this week with Wayne from Connecticut who had a very interesting buyout question regarding his pension. Should he stick with the monthly payments or take a lump sum of more than 300k? 

Next up was David from Maryland with the age-old question of renting versus buying. Just 26, David and his wife have been renting a cozy apartment that's 350 square feet. Is it time to upgrade? 

You will often hear me say that before you worry about the financial future of your kids, you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself first. But that doesn’t take you off the hook for discussing money with your kids.

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Think of it as another one of the now in addition to the sex talk, the drug and alcohol talk, we can add the money talk. All of these conversations must occur at every stage of your child’s development, with age-appropriate messaging that the kids can absorb.

To help with your effort, this week we’re talking to financial literacy guru Beth Kobliner, author of Make Your Kid A Money Genius (Even If You're Not) and Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties

For Financial Literacy Month, SNL's Kate McKinnon shows why it's so important that parents talk money with kids. Beyond the laughs (and there are plenty) lies an important message: We need to teach out children money basics early-no joke. Check out for more ways to make your kid a money genius.

I know there are a lot of you out there listening with kids or thinking about starting a family, wondering how to have such conversations:

  • How much debt should we take on for college?
  • Should I give my teen a debit or credit card?
  • My kid wants to move back home...should I charge rent?

Those are just some examples and there’s plenty more in our discussion. 

Have a money question? Email us here or call 855-411-JILL.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,